Monday, March 28, 2011

Why You Should Worry More About Everyday Exposure to Radiation and Less About Japan's Nuclear Crisis. & Iodine.

How Iodine Protects from Radiation
Recent non-stop news of the Japanese nuclear accident can cause even the most sensible people to react irrationally when it comes to their health.  Worries about nuclear fallout and radiation poisoning make most of us think "what would we do if it happened here?"  Well guess what.  You're exposed to radiation every day.  Here's what you should know about it. 

Radiation is a naturally occurring thing.  We take in doses of radiation every day from the sun, the soil, the water we drink, the food we eat and the electronics we use.  In most cases, our bodies process and handle these low doses pretty well, but the one area of our body most susceptible to radiation is the thyroid.  This gland can be more susceptible to cancers because of how it regulates metabolic rates.  Exposure to high levels of radiation causes this glad to go haywire.  But there's a natural supplement that can help:  Iodine.

Your thyroid needs natural iodine to create hormones. When you're exposed to high levels of radioactive iodine, that's when you have a problem.  One treatment is to supplement your body with stable, non-radioactive iodine.  When your thyroid has high levels of this good iodine, it doesn't store any of the radioactive iodine, basically letting it pass through your body.  So once again, nature provides our bodies with something to help sustain and regulate our systems and fight off harmful toxins.   In fact many doctors recommend patients take iodine supplements to keep your thyroid healthy. 

So as you watch the news reports about radiation contamination in Japan, be rational about what's really a threat to your health.  Make sensible decisions and live a life of peace with the things you do everyday. You’ll be way ahead of the people who react irrationally out of fear.

Go to the Sarasota Physical Medicine for more information and videos about how we can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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